Hall : Foyer des Délégués
The floods of 2021 hit Wallonia hard, particularly the Vesdre, Ourthe and Hoëgne valleys. As well as the human tragedy that affected the local populations, the industries located all along these valleys were also hard hit, sometimes with considerable impact, whether it be Câbleries d'Eupen upstream or Everzinc at Angleur downstream.
One of the hardest hit companies was Corman in Dolhain-Limbourg, which faced a desperate situation and a very uncertain future. Yet Corman survived and was gradually able to resume its activities. How was the resilience process established, and what lessons were learned from the past in the company's recovery and future? Corman will give us his vision.
But beyond the direct physical impact that climate change has had on its site, Corman is facing another threat to its business. The food sector is highly exposed to climate change at all levels, whether it's companies that depend on water or those that depend on agricultural production. WAGRALIM, as an innovation cluster focused on the food industry, has a holistic view of the life of an industrial sector that is essential to the Walloon economy. Among the areas of expertise developed within the cluster, specific thought is being given to the consequences of climate change for the sector and how to prevent the risks, mitigate their effect and anticipate the future for the entire industry.
SOIL CAPITAL is also part of this dialogue with industry. Soil Capital defends a more profitable and regenerative form of agriculture for the farms it supports by offering access to a sustainable agricultural resource to the companies that support the initiative. This initiative has a dual purpose, as it also allows businesses in the broader sense to benefit by enabling them to contribute financially to regenerative approaches in the agricultural sector via a system of certification of GHG emissions for local use. So it is in its capacity as a forerunner that SOIL CAPITAL has come to talk about its experience and the difficulties encountered in setting up a virtuous model that can directly or indirectly benefit companies keen to make the transition.
However, the food sector is far from the only one to be affected by the vagaries of the weather. The extractive sector was also affected by the floods of 2021, as was the case at the Trooz quarry. However, their presence in the workshop is not intended to present the impact of climatic hazards, but to show how a sector is working towards a sustainable activity that respects the environment as part of a long-term approach. Quarry sites generally offer large areas conducive to the development of particular biodiversity. As part of the "Life in Quarries" project, FEDIEX and its partners have been working to raise quarrymen's awareness so that they can develop dynamic management of their sites that takes account of the often remarkable species and environments. Today, inventories, management and awareness-raising are the key actions implemented in the 25 quarries involved in this project. By surrounding themselves with environmental players whose expertise has helped to create a constructive dialogue, a real reflection process has been put in place, leading to the commitment of the participating sites to biodiversity management programmes for a period of 15 years.
EDF will also be taking part in the workshop to present the French industry's approach to adapting to climate change.
Through the prism of the ADAPT tool, EDF will present the reflection it has undertaken on the consequences of climate change and its effects on its field of activity. EDF will also present the practical ways in which it is integrating the issue of climate change into its activities and how it is implementing, through concrete cases, the solutions recommended in the context of adaptation by integrating the local, environmental and ecological dimension into its thinking.
This workshop will be an opportunity for the organisations listed above to share their experiences, adaptations and innovations to climate change and its consequences.
List of speakers :
- Emmanuel Vanzeveren, Co-director, WAGRALIM
- Chuck de Liedekerke, CEO, Soil Capital
- Anna Delruelle, Conseillère Nature et Biodiversité, FEDIEX
- Alexandre Barré, Ingénieur, EDF
Moderation: Laurent Lognay and Ludovic Babusiaux, Wallonie Entreprendre